Showing 151 - 175 of 538 Results
Arantzazu : Homenaje Filial a Ntra. Senora de Aranzazu, Celestial Patrona de Guipuzcoa by Parr, Charles McKew donor, ... ISBN: 9781360421032 List Price: $12.95
Aveiro : Berco Da Liberdade; o Coronel Jeronymo de Moraes Sarmento by Marques Gomes, Joao Augusto... ISBN: 9781360487236 List Price: $16.95
Aveiro : Berco Da Liberdade; o Coronel Jeronymo de Moraes Sarmento by Marques Gomes, Joao Augusto... ISBN: 9781360487243 List Price: $26.95
Biblioteca Filipina : O Sea Catalogo Razonado de Todos Los Impresos, Tanto Insulares Como Ex... by Pardo De Tavera, T. H. (Tri... ISBN: 9781360561288 List Price: $19.95
Biblioteca Filipina : O Sea Catalogo Razonado de Todos Los Impresos, Tanto Insulares Como Ex... by Pardo De Tavera, T. H. (Tri... ISBN: 9781360561295 List Price: $29.95
Christianity in Ceylon by Tennent, James Emerson Sir,... ISBN: 9781360866635 List Price: $17.95
Christophe Colomb by Rastoul, A. (Alfred) B. 183... ISBN: 9781360948034 List Price: $17.95
Christophe Colomb by Ricard, Antonio 1834-1895, ... ISBN: 9781360948157 List Price: $18.95
Christoph Columbus by Ruge, Sophus 1831-1903, Par... ISBN: 9781360947525 List Price: $14.95
Christophe Colomb by Deschanel, Emile 1819-1904,... ISBN: 9781360947853 List Price: $16.95
Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discove... by Kayserling, Meyer 1829-1905... ISBN: 9781360950051 List Price: $14.95
Castrioto Lusitano; Ou, Historia Da Guerra Entre o Brazil e a Hollanda, Durante OS Annos de ... by Rafael De Jesus, Frei 1614-... ISBN: 9781361005309 List Price: $23.95
Colon y Su Descubrimiento : El Nuevo Mundo o la Gran Colombia; Obra Escrita para el Certamen... by Bigotte, Flix E., Parr, Cha... ISBN: 9781361529348 List Price: $15.95
Colon en Espana : Estudio Historico-Critico Sobre la Vida y Hechos Del Descubridor Del Nuevo... by Rodriguez Pinilla, Tomas 18... ISBN: 9781361528877 List Price: $18.95
Colon y Su Descubrimiento : El Nuevo Mundo o la Gran Colombia; Obra Escrita para el Certamen... by Bigotte, Flix E., Parr, Cha... ISBN: 9781361529072 List Price: $16.95
Colloquies on the Simples & Drugs of India by Orta, Garcia De 16th Cent, ... ISBN: 9781361522851 List Price: $20.95
Columbus and the Men of Palos by Shea, John Gilmary 1824-189... ISBN: 9781361562253 List Price: $9.95
Columbus Gallery : The Discoverer of the New World As Represented in Portraits, Monuments, S... by Ponce De Leon, Nestor 1837-... ISBN: 9781361561485 List Price: $14.95
Bruges : Histoire et Souvenirs; V. 1 by Duclos, Adolphe Julien 1841... ISBN: 9781361494554 List Price: $22.95
Bruges : Histoire et Souvenirs; V. 1 by Duclos, Adolphe Julien 1841... ISBN: 9781361494561 List Price: $31.95
De Insulis Inuentis by Columbus, Christopher, Parr... ISBN: 9781361743461 List Price: $9.95
Della Origine e Della Patria Di Cristoforo Colombo : Libri Tre Di Don Giambattista Spotorno by Spotorno, Giovanni Battista... ISBN: 9781361751169 List Price: $15.95
Descripcion Del Reyno de Galicia, y de Las Cosas Notables Del by Sagrario De Molina, Bartolo... ISBN: 9781361782156 List Price: $13.95
Descoberta e Conquista Da India Pelos Portuguezes; Romance Historico by Lobo D'Avila, Arthur 1855-1... ISBN: 9781361781494 List Price: $14.95
Descubrimiento Precolombino de la America : Ensayo Critico Historico by Velez, Baltasar, Parr, Char... ISBN: 9781361789346 List Price: $13.95
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